What is it?

Social security advocacy has its genesis in the fundamental right to social protection. According to the legal order of the country, the State has the function of guaranteeing subsistence to those who are in difficulty or even unable to do so on the grounds of incapacity, involuntary unemployment, old age and imprisonment or death of those on whom they depend economically.
The right to social protection is achieved through the provision of specific benefits aimed at covering the social risk situations mentioned. Due to the wide scope and frequent doubts, some of these benefits of the General Social Security System (INSS) deserve a brief summary:
- Retirement by Age: Benefit currently granted that insured who, completed the shortage of 180 months of contribution to Social Security, complete 65 years of age, if a man and 60 years of age, if a woman.
- Retirement for Contribution Time: Benefit currently granted to the insured who completes 35 years of contribution to Social Security, if a man, and 30 years of contribution time, if a woman.
- Special Retirement: Benefit granted to the insured who works exposed to agents harmful to health. Its advantages include reducing the contribution time to 25, 20 or 15 years depending on the activity performed, as well as the non-incidence of the social security factor.
- Retirement for Disability: Benefit granted to the insured who, due to some illness or incapacity, is unable to perform work activities.
- Sickness benefit: Benefit currently granted to the insured who becomes temporarily incapacitated to work.
- Accident aid: Benefit granted to the insured who suffers an accident of any nature if, after consolidation of the injuries resulting therefrom, they result in sequels that imply a reduction in the capacity for the usual work activity. It does not have substitutive character of the income, that is, it is received cumulatively with the salary.
- Pension for death: Benefit currently granted to dependents of the insured who dies, retired or not. It is a continuous service, which replaces the income that the insured received in life.
- Benefit granted to persons living in situations of risk and social vulnerability, aged 65 or over, or who have a disability that obstructs participation. full and effective in society. Unlike social security benefits, the granting of the Benefit is independent of Social Security contributions.
In this scenario, it is evident that knowledge of the right to social protection requires a broad domain of its normative system. This knowledge has been one of the purposes of Jobim Advogados Associados – Advocacia Previdenciária, given the science of responsibility inherent to the defense of the fundamental right to social protection.
Composed of highly specialized professionals, with many years of experience in the field, the team was structured to meet, with excellence, all kind of social security demand, whether it involves Social Assistance, the General Social Security System and the Own Regimes of Social Security.
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Ipiranga Ave., n.º 40, rooms 1011 and 1012
Ed. Trend City Center – Torre Office
B. Praia de Belas – Zip Code 90160-090
+55 (51) 3094.7007 / +55 (51) 3013.0392
+55 (51) 99605.4104

Itália Ave., n.º 288, rooms 83 and 83A
Ed. Evolve Premium Offices
B. São Pelegrino – Zip Code 95010-040
+55 (54) 3419.9752 / +55 (54) 3419.9753
(54) 99118.7027

Serafim Valandro St., nº 1.520
Ed. Gov. Walter Jobim
B. Centro – Zip Code 97015-630
+55 (55) 3222.6022 / +55(55) 3026.0922
+55 (55) 3028.0922 / +55 (55) 99971.1528

Francisco Leitão St., n.º 469, 9º level
Ed. Executive Tower
B. Jardim América – Zip Code 05414-020
+55 (11) 2615.3505