What is it?

Turning mineral resources into wealth is characterized as a difficult process, long and expensive, with high failure rates, which makes the activity essentially risky, and it is always necessary to balance the interests of the public entity, miners and affected communities.

In this regard, we have that the legal basis of mineral activity is supported by the Federal Constitution, the related legislation and the administrative rules that complement a basic normative structure, with emphasis on the recently amended Mining Code to better regulate the rules to enable the discovery of deposits and use of mines.

Substantiated in such variants, a permanent legal monitoring is necessary in order to reduce the uncertainties and to enable their development.

Jobim Advogados Associados has for many years advised and advised on mineral legislation for mineral exploration companies, from the stage of obtaining mineral exploration authorizations or mining concessions with the new National Agency for Mineral Research (ANPM) and the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) until the regular development of the mining activity.


  • Audits and issuance of opinions on mining titles;
  • Requirements and follow-up of processes, acquisitions and transfers of research rights and work together with the competent bodies;
  • Elaboration of Assignment Contracts and Transfers of Mineral Rights;
  • Representation and defense in administrative proceedings before the new National Mining Agency (ANM) and the Ministries of Mines and Energy (MME) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (MAPA);
  • Request, acquisition and transfer of research rights and drafting in the new terms of the Decree of the new Regulation of the Mining Code;
  • Guidance on the legislation and its regulations with a direct impact on the negotiation and drafting of contracts;
  • Elaboration of agreements with landowners to be explored or researched;
  • Tax issues related to the activity;
  • Negotiations and contracting of the delimitation of deposits and incorporation of mining rights;
  • Realização de Due Diligences e Title Opinions;
  • Proposition of mining actions that aim to make feasible the Mineral Research or Mining of mineral goods;
  • Defense in infraction records, including to guarantee the mining right.

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Ipiranga Ave., n.º 40, rooms 1011 and 1012
Ed. Trend City Center – Torre Office
B. Praia de Belas – Zip Code 90160-090
+55 (51) 3094.7007 / +55 (51) 3013.0392
+55 (51) 99605.4104


Itália Ave., n.º 288, rooms 83 and 83A
Ed. Evolve Premium Offices
B. São Pelegrino – Zip Code 95010-040
+55 (54) 3419.9752 / +55 (54) 3419.9753
(54) 99118.7027


Serafim Valandro St., nº 1.520
Ed. Gov. Walter Jobim
B. Centro – Zip Code 97015-630
+55 (55) 3222.6022 / +55(55) 3026.0922
+55 (55) 3028.0922 / +55 (55) 99971.1528


Francisco Leitão St., n.º 469, 9º level
Ed. Executive Tower
B. Jardim América – Zip Code 05414-020
+55 (11) 2615.3505


SHN, Square 01, Block F, Room 1.302
Ed. Vision
Asa Norte – Zip Code 70701-000
+55 (61) 3548.8222

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